
3 May 2019

The Future of Typography in Web Design

Table of Contents

    Web design trends are constantly evolving, and one of the most exciting new trends in typography is variable fonts. Variable fonts are a type of font that allow for greater flexibility and control over typography, and they’re expected to become more popular in 2023.

    In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at variable fonts, how they work, and why they’re becoming a popular trend in web design. We’ll also provide some tips for incorporating variable fonts into your web design projects.

    What are Variable Fonts?

    Variable fonts are a type of font that allow for multiple variations within a single font file. This means that a single font file can contain a range of different weights, widths, and styles, and you can adjust these variables to create a unique and dynamic typography system.

    In traditional typography, fonts are usually separate files for each weight, width, and style. This means that if you want to use a specific font style, you need to download a separate file for that style. This can be time-consuming and can slow down your website’s performance.

    With variable fonts, all of the different variations are included in a single file. This means that you can adjust the variables to create any font weight, width, or style that you need, without having to download multiple files. This can improve your website’s performance and speed.

    How do Variable Fonts Work?

    Variable fonts work by using a set of axis values that define different variations within the font. These axis values can include things like weight, width, and style, and they can be adjusted to create different variations of the font.

    For example, if you’re using a variable font with weight and width axis values, you can adjust the weight and width to create a range of different font styles. You can create a bold and wide font for headlines, or a light and narrow font for body text.

    To use variable fonts in your web design, you need to define the font variations using CSS. You can use the font-variation-settings property to define the axis values and adjust the font variations.

    Why are Variable Fonts Becoming Popular in Web Design?

    There are several reasons why variable fonts are becoming a popular trend in web design. Here are some of the main reasons:

    Greater Flexibility and Control

    Variable fonts allow for greater flexibility and control over typography. With variable fonts, you can adjust the font weight, width, and style to create a unique and dynamic typography system. This can help you create a more engaging and personalized user experience.

    Improved Performance

    Variable fonts can improve your website’s performance and speed. With traditional fonts, you need to download separate files for each font variation. With variable fonts, all of the font variations are included in a single file, which can reduce the number of requests your website needs to make and improve your website’s speed.

    Reduced File Size

    Variable fonts can also reduce the file size of your website. Because all of the font variations are included in a single file, you don’t need to download multiple files for each font variation. This can help reduce the overall file size of your website and improve its performance.

    Better Accessibility

    Variable fonts can also improve accessibility in web design. By using variable fonts, you can adjust the font weight and size to make it easier to read for users with visual impairments. This can help you create a more inclusive and accessible website.

    How to Incorporate Variable Fonts into Your Web Design

    If you want to incorporate variable fonts into your web design, here are some tips to get started:

    Choose the Right Variable Font

    There are many variable fonts available, so it’s important to choose the right one for your website. Look for a font that fits your brand and style, and make sure it has enough axis values to create the variations you need.

    Define the Font Variations in CSS

    Once you’ve chosen a variable font, you need to define the font variations in CSS. You can use the font-variation-settings property to define the axis values and adjust the font variations. Here’s an example CSS code:


    Copy code

    font-family: ‘Variable Font’, sans-serif;

    font-variation-settings: ‘wght’ 600, ‘wdth’ 75%;

    This code defines a variable font called “Variable Font” and sets the weight to 600 and the width to 75%. You can adjust these values to create different font variations.

    Use Variable Fonts for Headlines and Body Text

    Variable fonts can be used for both headlines and body text. For headlines, you can create bold and wide variations to make them stand out. For body text, you can create lighter and narrower variations to improve readability.

    Test for Browser Compatibility

    Not all browsers support variable fonts, so it’s important to test your website for compatibility. You can use services like caniuse.com to check which browsers support variable fonts and adjust your website accordingly.


    Variable fonts are a new trend in web design that offer greater flexibility and control over typography. They can improve website performance, reduce file size, and improve accessibility. By incorporating variable fonts into your web design projects, you can create a more engaging and personalized user experience.